Sauce Holiday Countdown: St. Louis Rams Tickets

120613_rams St. Louis is, without a doubt, a sports-obsessed, beer-obsessed city of awesomeness. Enjoy both this holiday season with tickets to a St. Louis Rams game for your diehard gridiron fan. And if you really want to impress, spring for premium seats or a ticket package. Prices vary, And now… Rams fans, this one’s for you. Today, we’re giving away an epic Rams ticket package to the Dec. 15 game against the New Orleans Saints that includes: • 4 lower-level tickets • 4 pregame field passes • 1 football signed by Rams wide receiver Tavon Austin • 1 James Laurinaitis jersey signed by the linebacker himself The best part: we’re running this giveaway all weekend! So make sure you enter, then share the link with your Facebook friends, your Twitter followers, your mom, your second cousin, and any other Rams fans who would love to get their hands on this awesome game day package. If they win, maybe they’ll save one of those tickets for you! The giveaway ends at 10 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 8. We’ll announce the winner at 10 a.m. Monday, Dec. 9Click here to enter and good luck!