the alcatraz sandwich at the gramophone in the grove photo by izaiah johnson

This week on the Sauce podcast: Every Gramophone Sandwich, Ranked

This week on the Sauce podcast, Meera, Michelle and Liz discuss the cover story of the October issue: Every Gramophone Sandwich, Ranked. They discuss the method for the ranking system where the staff tried every sandwich from the menu at the office, everyone got to fill out a rating form and add in any additional commentary. 

The comments reflect the range of sandwich tastes: While some detest an overly saucy sandwich, for others, there can never be too much sauce. Others prioritized texture combination in their ranking, or the use of chips. They break down the top six sandwiches from the power ranking, talk about why they were successful and what they loved about it.

Click here to listen to this week's episode of The Sauce podcast, and be sure to check out the previous episodes as well.

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