Interactive Cooking Classes for Children 8-14 years with Type I Diabetes

July 23, midnight

 HealthWorks! Kids' Museum St. Louis, 1100 Macklind Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63110 314-241-7391

Join the HealthWorks! Team and the SLCH Diabetes Support Group at the HealthWorks! Kid's Museum for cooking classes with a Registered Dietitian. We will be preparing and sampling 3-4 recipes appropriate for the Topic. Each class will be limited to the first 10 registrants. Please limit the number of classes to 2 per participant to allow more children to attend. Younger siblings are welcome to come and enjoy the museum during the class time. Parents must remain in the museum for the duration of the class.

June 25 2-3:30pm: Balanced Meals and Snacks
July 2 2-3:30pm: Healthy Versions of Kid Friendly Foods
July 23 2-3:30pm: Breakfast for Champions
August 13 2-3:30pm: Garden to Table

Participation Fee: $10 per registrant payable at