Eat these Mary Jones hemp-derived edibles inspired by Jones Soda flavors

Despite the increasingly widespread legalization of both medicinal and recreational marijuana across the country, hemp-derived THC edibles, legal thanks to the Farm Bill of 2018, that are available outside dispensaries are still making waves in the cannabis space.

We recently tried the Mary Jones’ berry lemonade gummies, which contain 10 milligrams of THC per piece, with 100 milligrams total in each bag. They have a nice chewy consistency and burst with citrusy and berry flavors. 

The high from edibles can vary a fair amount between brands, but we were very pleased with this hemp-derived buzz, which came on swiftly and gave us that rush of elation and euphoria we’re looking for with edibles – the effects were akin to that of sativa edibles. These are some of our favorite hemp-derived gummies to date. While the taste of solvent does linger a bit with these (fairly common, especially with hemp-derived products) if you let them dissolve in your mouth, it’s nothing a little snack or flavored beverage can’t fix.