Extra Sauce: Gingerbread and pumpkin spice liqueurs add wintertime flavors to craft cocktails

12611_grownontreeIn this month's Elixir column A Cordial Encounter, we revealed how bartenders around town are using fruit- and nut-based cordials to add winter flavors to creative and tasty cocktails. But pear and pistachio aren’t the only seasonal liqueurs perking up cold-weather cocktails. Stephanie Kromat, a district manager for spirits and wine supplier Pernod Ricard, loves Hiram Walker Gingerbread and Pumpkin Spice liqueurs. Kromat used both products, which are only available from September through January, during cocktail classes she recently taught at Dierbergs School of Cooking. For ways to make these crafty liqueurs part of your cool-weather sipping, visit the Extra Sauce section of SauceMagazine.com.

— Photo by Laura Miller